Pound Buddies Rescue-The inside of the story.

Monday, March 5, 2007

BIG Heartbreaker!!!

Today my hubby and I went to Baldwin with our friend Roxanne and her neice Dawn (they are PBR volunteers too). We were on our way and Roxannes cell rang. It was Michelle Reimer wanting to speak with Brian cuz he is learning Euthanization, most common referred to as E. They were to meet at VC at 5:30pm to put 12 dogs down. Well, this was the worst experience of my life and I didn't even go near where they were doing it. Anyway, one by one they were pulling dogs from the wards and I was holding the pups trying to stay distracted. Yah Right! First, the mean boxer goes by and that's upsetting, but it was a biter. Then, here comes the worst!!! An owner surrendered dog that came in last Wednesday night. The guy claimed his wife threatened to divorce him if he did not give up his dogs. One was 11 yrs. and one was 10 yrs. It killed me to watch them walk by and at the same time angered me that this guy dropped 2 great dogs (he said so himself) off to a kill shelter. This is where the phrase, "We can't save them all." comes in. I cried all the way home and said next time I would just drop him off. Brian can't drive cuz his license is suspended. Not to mention, there were a few others that I had liked that had to be put down. Yet, this world will always have ignorant people breeding more dogs just to be killed. Why? To make a living? If a breeder is making a living off of breeding dogs, I gaurantee they have at least 1 pup out of every litter that ends up in our care and possibly killed. Why? It goes back to if you want money, you don't care where the pups go. People could tell you they have 10 acres, no othr dogs, etc... and really they live in a trailer park. Pit Bulls wouldn't have such a bad rep if it wasn't for backyard breeders cuz then they would only go to good homes where fighting isn't wanted. FRUSTRATING!!! And the ones who suffer are the ones like myself, the people who care. This world can definitely be cruel sometimes.
posted by Katie at Monday, March 05, 2007


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