Pound Buddies Rescue-The inside of the story.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The pound was ok....

The pound tonight went pretty good. There was this younger lady that came in probably in her 20's that had wanted to owner surrender a English Setter. This was a good looking dog and she was still a pup, but not a lot of people ask for English Setters. The lady says to me and Mel, "How long do you think it will be till she gets adopted?" We told her, she might not ever adopted, she might just be put down. Then she got emotional and decided, after talking with Mel and Connie, she would foster her own dog until we can find a better home for it. It's a good thing we told her the truth and it's a happy ending. Other than that, the pound was pretty much usual except there was only a few of us there tonight cuz my hubby isn't going on Wednesdays anymore since he is E on Monday nights. So we busted butt tonight. (not really)
posted by Katie at Wednesday, March 07, 2007


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