Pound Buddies Rescue-The inside of the story.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Dog Training and the frustrations that come with it...

Ok, so the most common problem most people have with their dogs is the way they raise them. For example, people have puppies and by puppies I mean 6 months of age or younger, and they hit them, spank them, scream at them... which does them absolutely no good. You develop a relationship with that dog that says "Fear me cuz I will and can hurt you" whether they are hitting the dog hard enough to hurt them or if they are just constantly hitting them lightly and damaging the dog mentally. Either way... If I can train 150 lb Rottweiler, 4 years old without having to lay a finger on him, why do people have to hit puppies... Seriously....

I know I have to remember that most of society is ignorant and has no ideal that they are doing wrong until I sit them down and tell them look:
Puppies and dogs learn by association. If you have company over and your dog walks up to them and you hit them cuz you don't want them licking or whatever it is... you are teaching that dog that those people are a negative association. However, if you train the dog to have manners so that when people come over he can greet them if mannerly, you will have success. So, in that case, you'd have your dog on leash every time someone comes over and if he greeted them in a way that you believe is unmannerly, then you should take him and put him in a crate for 10 minutes and then try again. Repeat as needed and as often.

Anyways, there is too much detail I could get into on this subject... just feeling frustrated right now.
posted by Katie at Monday, October 20, 2008 0 comments

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Neutering and Spaying your Animal

Ok, here is the truth. Neutering/Spaying your animal is no guarantee that will calm down. However, it does not take away their personality either. I had a lady tell me she will not get her Rottweiler fixed because she doesn't want him to lose his guarding instinct. NEWSFLASH!! He won't!! If anybody tells you that, you need to take it with a grain of salt. My Rottie is neutered and if you step into my yard, he is on guard. Just wanted to clear that up. Not only that, but I strongly believe it is healthier for an animal to be spayed or neutered because it can eliminate some health issues, depending on the animal. Well, this is all for today... had a rough day.
posted by Katie at Thursday, October 16, 2008 0 comments

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Backyard Breeders and the Pupose of a Dog

This world is getting sadder everyday. There isn't one day that goes by that there is not an abandon animal. Backyard Breeders just keep at it. When I say backyard breeders, I mean the people that breed that are only in it for the money. They want the puppies out at 5-6-7 weeks old and the cash in hand. Puppies shouldn't even leave their moms until they are at least 10-12 weeks. Because there is no law to stop this, it's ongoing. There are so many purebreeds in the pound, as well as mutts, which are just as good, and yet, people are still going to backyard breeders. You know there is a Great Dane Breeder in Muskegon, MI that is breeding unhealthy pups. They are having knee problems, eye problems, tendin problems and it's really sad.
Working with dogs, I met a 12 week old Great Dane that had already had 2400.00 worth of knee surgery. The othre 2 brothers that I trained were the same age and having problems, but probably getting put down because not everybody has that kind of money to spend. It's really frustrating.

Another thing: I talk to so many people after they have bought a puppy and they tell me this dog is doing this, this and this... Then I say, well you do have ... For example: I had a lady call me about her Beagle. she said he's digging, he's running after squirrels and he barks at everything.

First of all, if you don't want a dog that barks, you had better get a stuffed animal. Second of all, why did you get a Beagle if you weren't hunting him? Why didn't you research the breed before you got one. Yes, you can have a Beagle for just a companion, I don't recommend it, but I don't recommend getting any dog without a purpose, but as long as you satisfy their drive to hunt and satisfy their need for exercise, their fine. The barking takes a little more training to work through, but it's all possible.

Going back to the thought of I never recommend getting a dog without a purpose. Meaning this: I have a 150 lb Rottweiler named Carl, I rescued. He is the greatest dog. he will be turning 7 this January and is in pretty good health for a big Rott. However, he is my baby and I do love him like I love my own child, but he is still my dog and he serves a purpose. He is my Guard/Protection dog. When my husband is gone for sometimes all hours of the night (he is a firefighter) I know if anybody comes to my door or breaks in, they are going to have a 150 lb Rottweiler right there to greet them! He is the most friendly dog in oublic, but you break into my house or threaten me, your done for.
The most famous question from everybody after I tell them that is: What if someone has agun and shoots him?
I would be devastated and thankful, but he would have served his purpose. Because by the time somebody took the time to take him out, me and my son would be safely out of the house.

I don't mean that in a bad way in any way possible, but it's fact.

Well, I think I have said quite enough for now...
posted by Katie at Wednesday, October 15, 2008 0 comments

Monday, October 13, 2008

Certified Dog Trainer

Well, life is finally happening the right way!! My husband and I have a baby boy and one on the way... along with our Rescued Rottweiler, Carl and our two rescue cats... Thumper and Kujo Kitty Kitty. I graduated from Animal Behavior College in California and I am doing Aggression training and getting into Protection Training, as soon as I prove to my trainer I am ready... I just recently got hired into the Dog Star Ranch and I will be doing CGC Certifications there as well as Agility and showing dogs. Anyways, it's been a year since I have wrote on hree, thought I'd give you the update... will be posting more on dog training shortly this week for anyone needing some tips and hints. Until the next time... I am still volunteering for PBR although at this time, I have no fosters...
posted by Katie at Monday, October 13, 2008 0 comments

Friday, March 16, 2007

Long Time Gone By

Well, it has been a hard week. Finally at the end, there is hope. I'm gettting two, 8 month old pups that are sisters. They are Dogo Argentino and Pit Bull. Their mom's the Dogo and the dad was a pit. Very sweet and cute dogs. I'm excited to be getting them. They both need some socializing and training, but that is my challenge. I'm extremely excited. I need some dogs to care for since my Fudgie is gone. Anyways, I am also going through training sessions with another foster who went through training. Her name is Sueann Vokal. She's wonderful with the pits. So, it's a privilage for me to be working with her. Another AAD tomorrow, hopefully all goes well. I will have Kira and Luna there. (the 2 pitty/dogo mixes) Awesomely exciting!!! If I can conquer these 2 then I will be taking their brothers to work with them. Their names are Shady and Goliath. It's a wonderful thing training dogs and saving their lives. I encourage everyone to help out at their local animal shelter. Ta ta for now.
posted by Katie at Friday, March 16, 2007 1 comments

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Crate Training

Just some helpful knowledge if you are trying to train a dog...Crate Train. When I get a new dog from the pound, I do something I learned from 4 other volunteers at Pound Buddies Rescue. It's called 2 week shut down and helps with crate training. When I go to the pound and pick out a dog that I want to save, I bring them home on a leash, walk them around my yard on a leash (they potty) then I bring them into their own bedroom with their own crate. If they tend to bark or whine, I put a sheet or blanket over their crate and most of the time it quiets them. They live in that crate for about 23 hours a day for 2 weeks. They get let out to potty on a leash for about 15 minutes every 3 hours. I give them water in their crate 24/7, unless they dump it, in that case I offer it to them every hour. To feed them for the first two weeks I do what's called "find me for food" which is when you hand feed every little peice of food to them. It is time consuming, but this shows the dog that you are the Alfa or the "Person in charge." After 2 weeks of this, the dog will be wanting your attention and wanting to please you and that will make it 10 times easier to train them. It sounds mean, but some of the greatest trainers around do this. It works for sad dogs, mad dogs, happy dogs, scared dogs, shy dogs, wild dogs, mean dogs, etc... A lot people believe it's mean, I reassure you it's not. It's the best way to get a dog to listen and to remain listening. The dogs that get this training are the ones you can bring anywhere and not have on a leash cuz they stay right next to you and when you give them a command like stay, sit, down, off, no, etc...they respond immediately because they recognize that you are the one who feeds them and gives them their freedom. We are the ones who have saved their life. That's just a quick overview, for details email me and I'll let you know more.
posted by Katie at Tuesday, March 13, 2007 0 comments

Our new foster Sadie....Starved Dobermans

Well, as sad as it may be, our newest foster didn't work out. She destroyed a total of 3 crates. One at the house before us and 2 at our house, plus my bedroom. She had behavioral issues and when a dog has behavioral issues, it can get dangerous. She was growling at me when I'd try to crate her and she tried biting Brian in the leg for no reason. When a dog has behavioral issues usually we crate them for 2 weeks. That's a whole another subject I'll share with you later. If you ever need lessons on how to train a dog, I can give them to you personally. Just email me. So, Sadie went back to the pound. It's a horrible feeling when you have to return dogs that you wanted to make it. My foster Fudge got adopted. He goes to his new home tomorrow. Exciting kinda, but I will miss him alot. He's such a great dog, if only I had the room for him. I was already looking at dogs in the pound today. Speaking of dogs, there is a lady from Muskegon Hts. right now being charged with neglect for a Doberman that was dead on her couch, a cat that was dead in a box (both starved to death) 2 Dobermans that are living, but starved and 2 pups one of which is still alive, the other however did not make it. They are only charging her with a misdemeanor. I'd put her in a life sentence if it was up to me. Stupid people, stupid people.
posted by Katie at Tuesday, March 13, 2007 0 comments