Pound Buddies Rescue-The inside of the story.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Long Time Gone By

Well, it has been a hard week. Finally at the end, there is hope. I'm gettting two, 8 month old pups that are sisters. They are Dogo Argentino and Pit Bull. Their mom's the Dogo and the dad was a pit. Very sweet and cute dogs. I'm excited to be getting them. They both need some socializing and training, but that is my challenge. I'm extremely excited. I need some dogs to care for since my Fudgie is gone. Anyways, I am also going through training sessions with another foster who went through training. Her name is Sueann Vokal. She's wonderful with the pits. So, it's a privilage for me to be working with her. Another AAD tomorrow, hopefully all goes well. I will have Kira and Luna there. (the 2 pitty/dogo mixes) Awesomely exciting!!! If I can conquer these 2 then I will be taking their brothers to work with them. Their names are Shady and Goliath. It's a wonderful thing training dogs and saving their lives. I encourage everyone to help out at their local animal shelter. Ta ta for now.
posted by Katie at Friday, March 16, 2007 1 comments

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Crate Training

Just some helpful knowledge if you are trying to train a dog...Crate Train. When I get a new dog from the pound, I do something I learned from 4 other volunteers at Pound Buddies Rescue. It's called 2 week shut down and helps with crate training. When I go to the pound and pick out a dog that I want to save, I bring them home on a leash, walk them around my yard on a leash (they potty) then I bring them into their own bedroom with their own crate. If they tend to bark or whine, I put a sheet or blanket over their crate and most of the time it quiets them. They live in that crate for about 23 hours a day for 2 weeks. They get let out to potty on a leash for about 15 minutes every 3 hours. I give them water in their crate 24/7, unless they dump it, in that case I offer it to them every hour. To feed them for the first two weeks I do what's called "find me for food" which is when you hand feed every little peice of food to them. It is time consuming, but this shows the dog that you are the Alfa or the "Person in charge." After 2 weeks of this, the dog will be wanting your attention and wanting to please you and that will make it 10 times easier to train them. It sounds mean, but some of the greatest trainers around do this. It works for sad dogs, mad dogs, happy dogs, scared dogs, shy dogs, wild dogs, mean dogs, etc... A lot people believe it's mean, I reassure you it's not. It's the best way to get a dog to listen and to remain listening. The dogs that get this training are the ones you can bring anywhere and not have on a leash cuz they stay right next to you and when you give them a command like stay, sit, down, off, no, etc...they respond immediately because they recognize that you are the one who feeds them and gives them their freedom. We are the ones who have saved their life. That's just a quick overview, for details email me and I'll let you know more.
posted by Katie at Tuesday, March 13, 2007 0 comments

Our new foster Sadie....Starved Dobermans

Well, as sad as it may be, our newest foster didn't work out. She destroyed a total of 3 crates. One at the house before us and 2 at our house, plus my bedroom. She had behavioral issues and when a dog has behavioral issues, it can get dangerous. She was growling at me when I'd try to crate her and she tried biting Brian in the leg for no reason. When a dog has behavioral issues usually we crate them for 2 weeks. That's a whole another subject I'll share with you later. If you ever need lessons on how to train a dog, I can give them to you personally. Just email me. So, Sadie went back to the pound. It's a horrible feeling when you have to return dogs that you wanted to make it. My foster Fudge got adopted. He goes to his new home tomorrow. Exciting kinda, but I will miss him alot. He's such a great dog, if only I had the room for him. I was already looking at dogs in the pound today. Speaking of dogs, there is a lady from Muskegon Hts. right now being charged with neglect for a Doberman that was dead on her couch, a cat that was dead in a box (both starved to death) 2 Dobermans that are living, but starved and 2 pups one of which is still alive, the other however did not make it. They are only charging her with a misdemeanor. I'd put her in a life sentence if it was up to me. Stupid people, stupid people.
posted by Katie at Tuesday, March 13, 2007 0 comments

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Roaring 20's party was GREAT!

Well, it was an exciting night last night. Our Roaring 20's party turned out wonderful. Not only did we make a good profit, but we all had lots of fun doing it. Me and Dawn (another PBR volunteer) ran the money wheel and Brian (my hubby) dealt Black Jack, Roxanne and Bridgett ran the cash/chip table, Robert and Connie did 50/50's and Sueann did a little bit of everything. There were more there, I just can't name them all. I'm not sure the exact profit, but I am sure I'll know by Monday or Tuesday. Sadie is doing ok, of course she is on lock down for 2 weeks straight. She broke her crate we had her in ( which was metal) so Bob let us use his big plastic crate that's more enclosed. She is allowed to do "find me for food" which is where instead of feeding her out of a dish, I make her eat out of my hand, when I say come and she comes then she gets a piece of food. It takes forever, but it lets her know that I'm the alfa (boss). Also, Sadie is let out on a leash in the house to outside for potty time and exercise, which is usually 15-20 minutes at a time. Other than that, she's left in a crate to let her know I am dominant... not her. We are hoping this will correct her mind on who is in control. It's hard being so stern with her, but it's a matter of life and death to her, so I guess it's better this way. My cat Thumper is chasing the mouse on the computer right now, it's quite entertaining. This is his favorite thing to do other than torment Brians Balla Sharks and his Silver Tip Sharks. Funny funny. Hopefully this week is a good one for ALL!!!
posted by Katie at Sunday, March 11, 2007 0 comments

Saturday, March 10, 2007

My new foster dog, Sadie...is here!!!

I now have Sadie. A 3 year old Brown Mutt (that's what I say she is) who is wonderful with people, but a little grumpy with dogs. So, I have her here for a total of 4 weeks to train with her. I think she's going to do great!!! We had our AAD at Petco today, as usual. It went really good, I got two apps on Fudge, maybe one will be right for him. Also, we adopted out Rosie-O, a little lab mix puppy we've had for a while now. Of course the people who adopted her were a pre-approved home. Anyways, the turnout was great. I'm excited to see how our Roaring 20's fundraiser turns out. I know it will be lots of fun. After speaking with Connie, I have decided that Fudge should go through obedience classes just to help socialize him. (he's such a big baby) Well, I'll let you know how the party turns out tomorrow!!! My hubby is hounding me cuz were gonna be late.
posted by Katie at Saturday, March 10, 2007 0 comments

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Katie "n" Fudge at Petco Dog Show

posted by Katie at Thursday, March 08, 2007 0 comments

My new Foster is coming tonight!!

Well, a friend of mine who fosters has lots of foster dogs and one of them is being a little trouble maker!!! Her name is Sadie and she is called a shepherd mix. I don't think she looks anything like a shepherd, but hey, who am I to say? Anyways, I get her to try and see if we can help her issues. She is a great dog though!!! Very people friendly, very loving, even dog friendly, except if she is challenged. Then we have a problem. I'm willing to give her the best chance I possibly can. I'm convinced that I am a strong enough trainer, with my hubbys help, that we can break her of this little problem. Enough of that, tonight we have a Fundraising Practice Session for Saturday night called the Roaring 20's. There will be dancing, food, gambling and more fun! If you wanna join the fun, all proceeds are going to Pound Buddies Rescue and the tickets are 10.00 in advance or 15.00 at the door. Visit our website for more deatails at: www.poundbuddies.petfinder.com Whoo Hoo!!!!!!
posted by Katie at Thursday, March 08, 2007 0 comments

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

The pound was ok....

The pound tonight went pretty good. There was this younger lady that came in probably in her 20's that had wanted to owner surrender a English Setter. This was a good looking dog and she was still a pup, but not a lot of people ask for English Setters. The lady says to me and Mel, "How long do you think it will be till she gets adopted?" We told her, she might not ever adopted, she might just be put down. Then she got emotional and decided, after talking with Mel and Connie, she would foster her own dog until we can find a better home for it. It's a good thing we told her the truth and it's a happy ending. Other than that, the pound was pretty much usual except there was only a few of us there tonight cuz my hubby isn't going on Wednesdays anymore since he is E on Monday nights. So we busted butt tonight. (not really)
posted by Katie at Wednesday, March 07, 2007 0 comments

Just Another Day....

Today is just one of those days. My 9 month old broke out in a rash AGAIN!!!! I'm hoping it is just a freak thing like our house or a certain food or drink. I PRAY it is not our animals. We have the pound tonight, which is exciting for me cuz I get to go take care of our needy friends. Hopefully we get some good applications tonight. Well, more later.
posted by Katie at Wednesday, March 07, 2007 1 comments

Monday, March 5, 2007

Family Matters Most!!

Never forget the important things in life. As much as I love working with Pound Buddies and the SPCA I can't forget the most important things in life, my family. My husband who supports me financially and emotionally. My 9 month old who doesn't realize what life is all about yet. He is still so innocent, yet so spoiled. I wouldn't even be able to do the work I do without the help of my big sister, Shelly and my mama, Kathy. Between the 2 Jr. always has a place to go and so do Brian and I. Be it emotional needs or physical needs. My other big sister, Stephanie also helps on occassion and so does our neighbors, Michelle and Brian. If you haven't thanked your family lately and they are in your life, then give them an email or phone call and let them know. It's important to feel appreciated.
posted by Katie at Monday, March 05, 2007 1 comments

BIG Heartbreaker!!!

Today my hubby and I went to Baldwin with our friend Roxanne and her neice Dawn (they are PBR volunteers too). We were on our way and Roxannes cell rang. It was Michelle Reimer wanting to speak with Brian cuz he is learning Euthanization, most common referred to as E. They were to meet at VC at 5:30pm to put 12 dogs down. Well, this was the worst experience of my life and I didn't even go near where they were doing it. Anyway, one by one they were pulling dogs from the wards and I was holding the pups trying to stay distracted. Yah Right! First, the mean boxer goes by and that's upsetting, but it was a biter. Then, here comes the worst!!! An owner surrendered dog that came in last Wednesday night. The guy claimed his wife threatened to divorce him if he did not give up his dogs. One was 11 yrs. and one was 10 yrs. It killed me to watch them walk by and at the same time angered me that this guy dropped 2 great dogs (he said so himself) off to a kill shelter. This is where the phrase, "We can't save them all." comes in. I cried all the way home and said next time I would just drop him off. Brian can't drive cuz his license is suspended. Not to mention, there were a few others that I had liked that had to be put down. Yet, this world will always have ignorant people breeding more dogs just to be killed. Why? To make a living? If a breeder is making a living off of breeding dogs, I gaurantee they have at least 1 pup out of every litter that ends up in our care and possibly killed. Why? It goes back to if you want money, you don't care where the pups go. People could tell you they have 10 acres, no othr dogs, etc... and really they live in a trailer park. Pit Bulls wouldn't have such a bad rep if it wasn't for backyard breeders cuz then they would only go to good homes where fighting isn't wanted. FRUSTRATING!!! And the ones who suffer are the ones like myself, the people who care. This world can definitely be cruel sometimes.
posted by Katie at Monday, March 05, 2007 0 comments

Special thanks to everyone at PBR

Just wanted to make an announcement how greatful my husband and I are that we are apart of PBR (pound buddies rescue). Connie Karry is in charge of Pound Buddies Rescue, without her, we would not be here. Also, Bob and Kelly, they also are a good reason why PBR are here. I believe they were volunteers first and then Connie took over, but don't quote me on that. Can't forget about Tina Kahn and Barb Lyons who do vet checks and adoptions and our wonderful website: www.poundbuddies.petfinder.org They do a great job of keeping up. Mel Cassidy who does a little bit of everything, we would be lost without her. She is able to make runs to GR to C-Snip, foster dogs and cats, clean our shelter and do every other job PBR puts on her!!! And I thank ALL of our FOSTER PARENTS some which include, Roxanne Sereno, Elizabeth Schaub, Katie Welch, John English, Misty, Kathy, Chris Weirengo, Stacie Sparks and sorry for those of you I missed, but you are all appreciated just the same!!!!! Right now we need all the help we can get. Also, thanks to everyone who has ever donated to us or volunteered.
posted by Katie at Monday, March 05, 2007 0 comments

We've added on to our family!!!

Brian and I now have 3 cats becuase one cat is hairless on his back legs, so the SPCA is working with us to get this cat looking better and in good health so he is adoptable. He is black, big and is so friendly. Not to mention his front claws have been removed. I wouldn't do it to my cats, but I don't hate on people who do declaw their cats. I also adopted a 20# lop ear bunny from the SPCA, her name is Dollie. She was an owner surrender. I don't know why she is so smart. She's even litter box trained. We still have our 5 month old pitty mix puppy and my foster Fudge. Our 9 month old is almost walking now, so he is my biggest handful (special thanks to my mom and my oldest sister Shelly who helps out GREATLY with him) . We could open our own petting zoo...lol.
posted by Katie at Monday, March 05, 2007 0 comments

Sunday, March 4, 2007

Still have my foster pitty.

Long time since I was last on here. I had an app. on my foster dog Fudge, but they couldn't get insurance on their home cuz he's a pit bull. It's so stupid that everything in this world is stereotyped. It's not fair. Pit bulls make great family dogs!!! They are high energetic and always wanting to please their master. It's just a bad rep that they have. People chose Pittys to fight years ago and it was just passed on family to family. I could train any dog to fight, even a lab, but nobodys afraid of them. I've been nipped at by black labs more than any other dog, but nobody says anything unless it's a Pitty or a Rottweiler. People need to look at reality, not rumors!!! Pittys are excellent dogs, my foster Fudge is around my 9 month old son constantly. Fudges worst crime is licking people to death. He's actually quite enjoyable to have in our home.
posted by Katie at Sunday, March 04, 2007 0 comments